How to Recover From Cold

How to Recover From a Cold?

How to Recover From Cold? While there is no cure for the common cold, getting plenty of rest and drinking plenty of fluids can help ease symptoms. Drinks like water sparkling water with lemon, tea and broth can soothe irritated throats, break up mucus and keep your body hydrated.

Over-the-counter medicine can also help relieve your symptoms. For example, Theraflu ExpressMax Daytime Severe Cold & Cough Syrup provides relief from nasal and sinus congestion, cough and sore throat pain, and aches and fever.

How to Recover From Cold

1. Get plenty of rest

A good night’s sleep is key to a healthy immune system. When you’re sick, getting enough Zzz’s helps your body produce protein molecules called cytokines that help fight infections.

Stick to a regular sleeping schedule. While staying up later than usual may be tempting, a consistent sleep schedule helps you fall asleep faster at night, and it’ll make it easier to wake up in the morning.

Sleeping with a cold isn’t easy, but try to get at least 8 hours of shut-eye every night. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try drinking a warm drink like decaffeinated tea with honey or ginger. It can soothe a sore throat and help loosen congestion.

While you’re sleeping, try not to think about things that can stress your mind. The more you worry, the more energy your body has to direct towards battling viruses and recovering from symptoms like a runny nose or a cough. Staying calm can also help your immune system work better by lowering stress levels. You can also try using saline drops or nasal sprays to keep your sinuses clear and help mucus drain faster.

2. Drink plenty of fluids:

At the first sign of a cold, it’s important to start drinking plenty of fluids. Water, juice, warm herbal tea and broth help soothe a throat, prevent dehydration and ease congestion. Avoid salty foods, alcohol and coffee, which can be dehydrating.

Staying hydrated is essential for your overall health, especially during the winter. However, it becomes even more important when you are sick because of the added stress on your body from fighting off a virus and repairing any damage caused by the illness.

The fluids in your body help keep the mucus membranes of the nasal passages moist and serve as your first line of defense against invading viruses. Staying hydrated also allows your immune system to function properly and fight off the virus faster. Aim to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day, but don’t be afraid to drink more if your symptoms warrant it. If you’re worried about dehydration, talk to your doctor about using an electrolyte solution like Pedialyte. They can also recommend other over-the-counter medications and supplements that can help relieve your symptoms.

3. Eat a healthy diet:

There is no cure for the common cold, but you can take steps to ease your symptoms and shorten how long you are sick. The first thing to do is stock up on the over-the-counter medicine you need to relieve your symptoms (like DayQuil for a runny nose, congestion and headache, or cough drops or acetaminophen for a sore throat).

It’s also important to eat healthy when you’re sick, and that doesn’t have to be hard. A bowl of chicken soup and a banana are two simple, but nutritious, meals you can enjoy to help get you better. You can also eat foods that are high in vitamin C, such as oranges, berries and red peppers, or take a vitamin C supplement to fight the cold.

Staying hydrated is another top way to help fight the common cold. But avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate you. Try drinking warm liquids, like tea, hot water with lemon, broth or ginger ale, to soothe a sore throat and ease congestion. You can even get a Bounce Hydration IV Drip to boost your hydration and refuel your body’s depleted vitamins and minerals.

4. Stay away from crowded places:

The good news is that a cold usually goes away on its own in a few days to a week. But you can help it along by getting plenty of rest and taking over-the-counter medication, such as DayQuil or cough drops, to ease your symptoms.

You can also add some herbal remedies to your regimen. Try elderberry syrup, available at health food stores (unless you’re on immunosuppressant drugs, in which case you shouldn’t take it). It can lessen the duration and severity of a common cold.

If you have a cold that brings on chills, layering your clothes and drinking hot liquids like coffee. Tea or cocoa can warm you up. And, if you have a chronic condition that causes chills. Such as diabetes or anaemia, be sure to make your healthcare provider aware, so they can help you manage it.

Some home remedies that are often recommended for the cold include vitamin C and echinacea. But, these may not be safe for everyone and some herbs can interact with certain medications. Talk to your Gundersen healthcare provider before trying any supplements or herbs.

5. Stay away from people who are sick:

It’s hard to avoid getting sick when someone in the family is contagious. But you can take steps to limit the spread of germs. Having the sick person stay in one room and not share personal items, such as eating utensils, dishes or towels, can help. Likewise, washing hands frequently and disinfecting high-touch surfaces is important. Having the sick person use their own bathroom may also be helpful, especially if they are vomiting or have diarrhoea.

Drinking hot liquids, such as broth or herbal tea with ginger. Chamomile or slippery elm, can help loosen mucus in the throat and chest. A steamy shower or sauna can also be soothing and reduce congestion.

While it’s not always possible to stay away from people who are sick. Ahealthy diet, plenty of fluids and rest can keep the immune system strong enough to fight off illness and recover quickly. Just remember to get a good night’s sleep. People who regularly sleep less than seven hours are three times more likely to catch a cold. According to one study in JAMA Internal Medicine.

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